Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Healthy Breakfast: Handling Disappointments

Having to deal with frustrations affects your health. You cannot have a healthy breakfast if you are feeling down. It doesn’t only make you stagnant for a while but it also loses your interest in living a full life or even the drive to prepare a healthy breakfast. You begin to questions things and even question your capabilities. I believe that I am a pretty smart person. I graduated third honorable mention in high school and graduated with academic distinction in college. I took Accounting but I am not a CPA. It wasn’t my priority when I was younger. I know my abilities but other people don’t. So more often than not, they feel that I am not smart enough for not having license. For me, it is no biggie but for some people and my father, it is. Over a grumpy breakfast and not so healthy conversations, these are brought up by my dad. I am pretty successful in my career. I am a manager at 26 years old. I moved up from the ladder quite fast. I know my worth but at this point, I realized that I am a mediocre all my life.  Having to think about it makes me not have a drive to even create a blog on healthy breakfast.

The reasons why I did not excel were because my parents never expected me to excel. If having a healthy breakfast means having fruits, I lack that in my life. My mom rarely attends PTA meetings; she’s not involved in my studies, she is not interested in giving healthy breakfast for her kids. I was never pressured to achieve things. I studied on my own and did things on my own. My parents never got involved with my projects. I also wasn’t vocal that I needed their support. Our breakfasts do not involve healthy conversations about our plans. I guess that it is because of the dysfunctional nature that my family experienced. My mom and dad got separated when I was in primary school. I remember graduating in Elementary with my father in the audience and my mom just got birth with our youngest sibling. No special treatment but I went through it just like any ordinary day. It was I think painful but these memories along with the others are kept in my heart. As what the saying goes – what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Now that I am a mom, I really try to give the best for my kid. To support her and to let her know that she has something within her that is useful to the world. She isn’t shy to sing and dance and she is very expressive. I intend to do it as long as I live. I want my daughter to achieve and get the best things life has to offer. I ensure that she has healthy breakfasts all her life.

I am no stranger to disappointments so I think that at least, I have the capacity to give tips on how to handle them. In the same manner that I can write a blog on healthy breakfast.

1.        Feel your pain. Do not escape from what you are feeling because it will not go away. It may for a while but it will come back again. It is the same as munching your breakfast and seeing that it is healthy.
2.        Don’t go around moping and being a bitch to other people just because you are feeling down. Trust me, you will regret it if you treat others bad just because you are frustrated.
3.        Evaluate your situation. When you are pushed to the ground and is feeling really disappointed, it pushes you to get out of the disappointment. The best way to handle it is to be objective and to list down things that will make your situation change for the better.
4.        Squeeze life lessons through what you are feeling. Believe me, this is the time where you are being pushed to be your best self.  It is similar to being sick. While you’re in pain, you have to remember that you need to squeeze your time to still eat a breakfast if you want to be healthy.

Just like me, I realized that I have a lot of potential to grow more but I refused to do that out of my experience with the dysfunctional family and probably out of habit but now I realized that I am disappointed because I think I can do more. I don’t want to be a mediocre anymore. I can change my life and not be immature about things. There is more than I can do to achieve the best version of myself. There is more than I can do like creating a blog on healthy breakfast for myself and for others.


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